Sunday, June 7, 2009

Banana Cake

Makes 3 18cmx8.5cmx6.5cm loaf tins.
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250g unsalted butter
200 g sugar
5 eggs, beaten
3 tablespoons water
6 large bananas, mashed
100g walnuts, crushed
500g self-raising flour, sifted

Pre-heat the oven to 200 deg C and line a cake tin with grease-proof paper.

Beat the butter with the sugar usign an electric mixer until smooth and creamy (See A).

(See B) Mix the water with the beaten egg. Add the beaten egg, water and mashed bananas to the creamed mixture. Add a bit of flour if the mixture curdles.

Fold in the sifted flour (See C). Do not over-mix. Pour the batter into the loaf tins and bake at 200 deg C for 1hr, until the skewer comes out clean (See D).

Allow the cake to cool in its tin before cutting (See E). Cake can be refrigerated for a week if not eaten immediately.

Alternatively, filled the batter into muffin cups to make banana muffins. Bake at 200 deg C for 30mins.

1 comment:

Chee Boon said...

So how is ur Banana Cake? Must treat your neighbor lar...